Saturday, 12 February 2011

Theme Quiz No.2 - Answers After Question No. 10

1. What was the name of Johnny Depp's character in Pirates of the Caribbean?

2. What was the name of Jodie Foster's character in Silence of the Lambs?

3. Which 1966 song was a No. 1 for Manfred Mann in the UK but only reached 29 in the USA?

4. Which 1976 film was about a mission to kidnap Winston Churchill?

5. Which country has as it's capital Ankara?

6. Which of Batman's enemies was played by Danny DeVito?

7. Who wrote Gulliver's Travels?

8. What is the name of the fighter the Jump Jet?

9. What was the name of Hans Solo's spacecraft in the film Star Wars?

10. What was the the children's book written by Arthur Ransome in 1929?

1. Jack Sparrow
2. Clarice Starling
3. Pretty Flamingo
4. The Eagle has landed
5. Turkey
6. Penguin
7. Jonathan Swift
8. Harrier
9. Millenium Falcon
10. Swallows and Amazons

Theme:- Birds

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